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2019 제주국제실험예술제_전시와 야외설치 작가 시리즈 _ 이명환 본문

Artistic Events

2019 제주국제실험예술제_전시와 야외설치 작가 시리즈 _ 이명환

Photo-Brother KWON 2019. 12. 8. 23:00

2019 제주국제실험예술제_전시와 야외설치 작가 시리즈 _ 이명환

Exhibition and Installation for Jeju International Experimental Performance Art Festival

JIEAF 2019 Festival Exhibition Artist_ Lee Myung Hwan (Korea)


Eco- Energy / He gave an extra performance.

This artwork will arose the caution of currently taking place disaster and future environment by suggesting some changes

happening in our daily lives that seem unexpected and natural.


4 elements of the earth_water

4 elements of the earth stand for ecology itself.

They are soil, air, fire and water.

This is an artwork reflects the ecology as water a main subject.


 #2019 제주국제실험예술제 #JIEAF 2019 # Lee Myung Hwan #Eco- Energy #이명환 퍼포먼스 #4 elements of the earth