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2019 Jeju Int’l Experimental Arts Festival Echo Performance_1010_03 본문

Artistic Events

2019 Jeju Int’l Experimental Arts Festival Echo Performance_1010_03

Photo-Brother KWON 2019. 12. 10. 23:37

2019 Jeju Int’l Experimental Arts Festival Echo Performance_1010_03

2019 제주국제실험예술제 에코퍼포먼스 15:00~19:00 탐나라공화국

Echo Solo : The echo of a soul resonating with nature 자연과 공명하는 영혼의 울림


#2019 제주국제실험예술제 #에코퍼포먼스 #Echo Performance_Solo #2019 JIEAF #김백기 #Butoh Performance #탐나라공화국