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2019 제주국제실험예술제_전시와 야외설치 작가 시리즈 _ 아스타 본문

Artistic Events

2019 제주국제실험예술제_전시와 야외설치 작가 시리즈 _ 아스타

Photo-Brother KWON 2019. 12. 8. 20:19

2019 제주국제실험예술제_전시와 야외설치 작가 시리즈 _ Asta Gudmundsdottir

Exhibition and Installation for Jeju International Experimental Performance Art Festival

JIEAF 2019 Festival Exhibition Artist_ Asta Guðmundsdóttir(Iceland)


Fading Flower

Two years ago I left this art work behind after participating in JIEAF the first time. Now it becomes another life as a flower.

MATERIAL ; Upcycled art work, Paper, Silk, Cotton

Silence visible

with the material ; 3 kinds of thread for cotton, silk, bamboo’s

Asta, she worked on the installation constantly during the festival.

especially made some body-installation for many performing artists.

#2019 제주국제실험예술제 #JIEAF 2019 #Asta Gudmundsdottir #Open Air Installation

# body installation #Fading Flower #Silence visible